Tiberium-MW, originally called Tiberium
Mutants World. You may know how I got Tiberium-MW from now. On the
25th October, 1999, Tiberium Mutants World was founded, and it was hosted by
Geocities, which is not a very good free hosting company. They only gave me 15mb
of space, which I've used up all and they give no CGI support. So I decide to
find a new host.
On 6th February, 2000, the new Tiberium Mutants World
was born, but it's called Tiberium-MW. The site's URL was
http://www.tiberium-mw.com, which was bought in UK2.net, which is a domain company which gives hosting as well. At that time
Tiberium-MW had about 30 hits a day, which is not enough to get good ads and
earn what I've spent on Tiberium-MW. I spent about £90 on the hosting and
domain. Later in April, I decide to find a new host again, due to bad server and
I couldn't use CGI scripts with it.
In the late May, Anakin, the
webmaster of Game Legacy, decided to host me, and they bought me a new domain,
tibsun.com. And the new Tiberium-MW was launched on the 1st June, 2000 with a
new layout.
In this few months, Tiberium-MW got a lot more visitors. It
has 400 hits a day once. Normally around 150 - 200 hits a day. And we have a few
staff working for us and provide daily news. Unfortunately in the late July, our
host's host got kicked out of the main server due to not following some rules
and Tiberium-MW went down for a month. In this month I designed designed a
new layout and was ready to use it once we were back up. On the 6th September,
2000, the new Tiberium-MW reopened. It looked a lot better than before, with
more content and downloads. And we got a steady 250 hits a day at least
In the late February of 2001 we once again got a new layout. This is the
layout you can see now and it's made by MHR, the webmaster of the popular RA2
site, RA2 Source. We also moved to a new server as well, which was a paid virtual
hosting, paid by our host, Game Legacy. This server was really good, fast
and reliable for a time. Our hit rate was, comparing in the times of September
2000, basically doubled. That is, more than 500 hits a day.
In July, we
had a couple of days downtime for a server move, to a dedicated server our host
bought. Our host was now Legacy Network which was the new Game Legacy,
because during a registrar transfer it was taken over by another person. During
the move we lost some data files because the old server cut us off before we
managed to download the files (mainly updated frequently ones like news). We now
have virtually unlimited space and bandwidth, which allows us to provide more
However, T-MW was hacked several times and finally
went down for good in January 2002, and eventually Legacy Network shut down due to lack of funds, and
T-MW was gone.
In this time, MW and Aromanov were developing MWGN,
what was to be a complete gaming site, not just covering Command & Conquer
games, but everything, and by 21st January 2000.
2 or 3 months later, chickendippers decided to
revive T-MW, but this time it would cover all Westwood Games. He approached MW
who game him the go-ahead in February he decided that he could not do this
alone and asked Aromanov and Seaman if they would like to be co-webmasters
together, and Westwood-MW was born.
However, covering all PC Gaming proved too much
for MW and he retired. Aromanov could not run a PC Gaming site on his own,
so he had to decide between MWGN and WMW, he went for WMW.
MWGN became a network 'hub' for all MW sites
afterwards, but never really got finished.
MHR created a new layout for WMW, the content was
written and the old T-MW downloads recovered and added to and the site was
Westwood-MW was hosted by TV, webmaster of
Westwodi, but we were required to place a pop-up on each page, we could not
stand that and so we moved to paid hosting, paid for so generously by
As we moved to a new host, we changed the
network name and therefore had a new design, this time by Clive of STX
Designs, Aromanov and myself decided upon Game Vetetan Gaming Network, and so
Westwood Veterans was born.
WWV was really just WMW with a new design thought,
and the change of name really lost quite a few regulars as they thought WMW had
shut down, and despite the best efforts of chickendippers and a mightly contest
that was a world beater arranged by Aromanov, WWV's visitor numbers kept
At this time A and C decided to shut down WWV for a
major referb just before christmas 2002. But what no-one knew was that Aromanov
had been in discussion with MW about bringing T-MW back, and although he
couldn't convince MW to re-join, he had his full backing. So while WWV remained
offline for several months Aromanov worked feverishly on getting the site's
infustructure set up while chickendippers re-wrote all the WWV game
So several months later, on xth March 2003 T-MW was
re-launched! At a different URL, www.tibmw.com this time, as the old tibsun
address had been registred by a domain harvesting company. However
only a few hours later, our host (Digiblocks Hosting) moved server and the site
was offline for about a week. They hadn't given us warning about this move and
they had not made any backs ups for about 4 weeks, so we were stuck with a
version of T-MW 4 weeks old, and allot of development had happened since
Regardless, Aromanov and chickendippers filled in
the gaps that were missing despite Aromanov loosing some files and on xth
March 2003 T-MW was relaunched, and has stayed open