The Obelisk would like to acknowledge the following for making this site possible:
Westwood Studios, for creating the game Command & Conquer
Virgin, for distributing Command & Conquer
PlanetCnC, for currently hosting The Obelisk
GameSpy, for the GameSpyNetwork, and for some automated features
FilePlanet, for mirroring files
Allaire, for creating Homesite 4, used for some html
Jellycounter, for the counter
Hitbox, for the stats
Bravenet, for the Message Board
htmlGEAR, for the Guestbook
MediaOne, for providing the cable modem
Black-Hole Internet, the original host of The Obelisk
Jasc, for creating Paint Shop Pro, used for the logo and screenshots
All the affiliates, other sites, writers, program creators, etc