Cloak &
-Arc [7:29 PM CST]
And now for our annual update...
Coen Blazer wrote to me about an alternative strategy
for beating the Covert Operations map Cloak &
Dagger. I've added it to the Cloak
& Dagger walkthrough.
In other news, this site is now over 8 years old, and
I'm 22.
-Arc [10:42 PM CST]
I've updated the links and
affiliates in order to show that I still exist. It
looks like some major sites have been lost, as
C&C Web, Westwood Underground, and Command &
Conquer: Ultimate are no longer working. I haven't
adjusted the star ratings yet.
When I created this site, I was 14 years old. I'm now
v1.1 -Arc
[6:39 PM CDT]
The Obelisk
Covert Ops walkthrough is now version 1.1. Please
update if you have it on your site. I also submitted
it to GameFAQs.
Note on Downloads -Arc [11:26 AM CDT]
First of all, I haven't abandoned
the site. But there is not a lot left to do for a
game that is 8 years old, since this site has existed
for the last 7 of those 8 years. Any suggestions are
welcome because I would like to have a 'finished'
resource as I feel it is incomplete.
Onto the main topic of links. Often you will click
something and get a Fileplanet ERROR message and
think that the site is dead. This is not true. All of
the links are properly uploaded. If you get an error,
what you need to do is hit BACK and then click the
link again. Refresh doesn't do it. Sorry that's how
FilePlanet works. As some help, here are the current
top Obelisk downloads, with the number of downloads
as I type this:
CC Edit v4 (1599 Downloads)
CC-Tools 1.0 (284 Downloads)
C&C Mission Selector (403 Downloads)
All Multiplayer Maps (35 Downloads)
Elite Eight (119 Downloads)
English 1.22 (264 Downloads)
Nod Ending (190 Downloads)
And my Obelisk
Covert Ops walkthrough ;)~
Here It
Is -Arc
[5:27 PM CDT]
The Obelisk Covert Operations
Walkthrough v1.0 is complete! Yes it did take some
sandbags to complete some missions, but there are a
lot of innovative tactics and commentaries in the
strategies. As far as I know this is the largest free
Covert Ops walkthrough in the world. C&C
webmasters can go ahead and put it on their sites and
make it the file of the week or whatever. Well here
it is:
Covert Ops 6
Years Too Late -Arc [6:15 PM CDT]
Loyal Obelisk visitor Roman hooked
me up with C&C Gold, thanks my man. What I am
going to do now is attempt to go through all of the
Covert Ops missions without building one sandbag.
Also this will directly relate to updates in the
currently bland Covert
Ops section of the site. I will add a section
similar to what I have in the Storyline
except instead of a screenshot there will be -Two-
walkthroughs per mission. One will be the generic one
I found on C&C Filezone (sorry there's no author
listed or I would give credit). The other will be the
one I writeup as I go through these, the most
important difference being no sandbags used in mine.
This makes the game much more intense and challenging
as you might have known already.
Do you
want my carrots -Arc [8:46 PM CDT]
There are a lot of little updates
all over the site. The technician/obelisk pic above
this, which had been kind of bouncy since it was made
about 6 years ago, was finally corrected by Nyerguds.
The latest
Star Wars mod, also by Nyerguds, is now here.
Note on all downloads: if you get an error msg of
some kind try refresh or hit back and click it again,
because all of the ones hosted on fileplanet are
there. I also know some of the Westwood links are
dead so I'll fix that soon. Other than that I checked
links and updated the affiliates; Tiberium Addicts is
now RA2
-Arc [1:49 PM CDT]
Well I fixed the counter finally at
least. The problem is I have XP but not Gold so I
can't play C&C right now, and there's no rush to
update anyway. I haven't gotten any mail for this
site in a few months anyway so I assume people are
cool with how it is now as a resource. Once again I
say that the site isn't going to go down but it may
be a long time before it's completely finished,
unless something comes along to really motivate me.
bbl chums :)
Various Work
Done -Arc
[7:31 PM CST]
I made some updates all over. The
sidebar is almost always in need of something so I
cleaned that up. Then I checked the Links. There were
no major rating changes except for
MP3s because the links magically started working
again. For those wondering I just look at 3 things on
sites: 1. Time put into it 2. Working links 3.
Recently updated. Anyway this got me thinking about
all the MP3s that the Downloads
needed. So I spent some time gathering them, and now
the MP3s
are complete. I've been told by GameSpy that as long
as the MP3s are on Fileplanet and are
just from C&C, its ok. So enjoy.
My birthday is coming up, so don't forget to get
presents for me.
Renegade -Arc [7:21 PM CST]
I wrote a quick review of the
Renegade demo at the other site I work on, It's
in the Reviews section. It has some mature language
as well, cause I wrote it right after I played it for
a few hours yesterday.
-Arc [3:33 PM CST]
Sup star there's updates all over
the site. Check the Downloads for new mp3s (legal)
and zips (all Maarten's good stuff). Then the Patches
for the MAXI-Patch which is basically like v1.23
because it fixes some more things, but it isn't
official. Then check the modified Flame Dancers in
the Missions. Also we have 3 new affiliates, because
everyone loves each other around here. Finally
there's a few more Text Files that are worth reading.
In other news I also work for our new affiliate r3m's
site and I know you all love my work so check them
out. Cya
-Arc [8:43 PM CST]
The Links
were checked and the ratings adjusted. They now are
rated by fourths instead of whole stars. I based them
mainly on how much time was spent on the site and
whether the links work. There were a few great/good
sites and then a lot of bad ones that I was harsh on.
Westwood's site is 5 star for multiple reasons and
that is all.
Update 4:
-Arc [6:33 PM CST]
I'll just expand on the Current
Agenda section below for this last update today by
going through every page. Nothing to add to the
Affiliate page, more affiliates welcome. Someday some
more bugs should be added. C&C Series is really
outdated. Comparison kind of sucks and needs more
games. Construction Tools are just there and I don't
know if that will change. I really want to add more
to the Covert Ops, like how I got through each one.
Credits will be updated if it needs to be. Downloads
could be filled more (and will be with Maarten's
stuff). Editors need new comments. Standard checking
of the links will be done soon. Use the message board
^_^. I don't know what to do with the maps. I need a
lot more missions. Reminisce at the archives. I
wonder if that Tiberian Dawn patch petition went
anywhere. I can't believe the poll still works. I am
extremely content with the saved games and storyline
pages. Screenshots need to be rated again. Strats are
the only major thing left. I love the text files and
I want more. Units could use better comments. The
newsgroup still works. Sign the guestbook
Update 3:
GameSpy Mini-Rant -Arc [4:00 PM CST]
The other Text File I added was
GameSpy's Top 50 games of all time. There are 3
reasons for this and I don't hide anything, ever. 1.
Worldcharts went down a long time ago. I originally
chose Worldcharts because when I started the top
games section C&C was near the top. Then it
became kind of boring updating because Tiberian Sun
made 43rd or wherever. Now I don't have to update
that part weekly. 2. C&C was on the list. That is
really the main reason. Because honestly the list is
horrible. I know I'm about 6 months too late but
where is FF7, Xenogears, Suikoden,
3.0? But it's ok because 3. We're part of the
GameSpy network! Don't forget to click the ads~~!
Flying somewhere? Try Hotwire's amazing deals! Just
kidding. Another thing is yes, I liked the old idea
of clicking on a zip and it downloads, but we are
stuck with fileplanet my friends. I remember
somewhere, probably an email, someone complained to
me of all people what a joke fileplanet is. As long
as I'm on planetcnc (a great host) I have to use it.
Update 2:
-Arc [3:45 PM CST]
I took out 3 pages from the site,
Leagues, Multiplay Services, and System Requirements.
Leagues was nothing more than a free advertisement
for Case's Ladder. I moved that to
Links because it still supports C&C. Side
note: the Links will be checked and the ratings will
be reconsidered soon. A lot of the Multiplay Services
have died off not surprisingly. Kahn and TEN were the
most well-known failures. I do keep the pages on my
HD btw if anyone really needs them for some reason.
Anyway the System Requirements were moved to Text
Files. Like anyone's computer can't handle
C&C these days. I also added another text file,
see the above update.
Update 1:
-Arc [2:42 PM CST]
k I'm just gonna update as much as
possible until PTI comes on in 2 hours. First thing I
did was check the Affiliates and bag all the non 2002
news. A couple affiliates disappeared and there is a
new one, the young
Tiberium Addicts. Remember to be an affiliate all
your site needs to do is: 1. exist and 2. be about a
Westwood game. The 2 affiliates failed to agree to
rule #1, hence get these guys outta here.
FINALLY~! -Arc [1:36 PM CST]
I've got about 37 excuses that you
don't want to hear but I can finally update again.
Expect massive workage within days.
C&C Series:
Comparison: Redo
Construction Tools: Maybe
Covert Ops: Dino
Downloads: Add to all except
Editors: Needs new
Links: Check every month
Maps: Maybe redo
Missions: Add a lot
Text: Keep adding stuff
This site is best viewed in
1024x768 or 800x600. The fonts
Comic Sans MS and News Gothic MT (Western) are
necessary to view this site properly. This site was
made completely in Notepad by Arc. This site has been
operating since August 10, 1997. Command &
Conquer is made by Westwood Studios.